How will the new US politics worsen the climate emergency?

Have you been feeling anxious or having unsettling concerns after the US presidential election? Do you wonder what this election means for the climate emergency and your life over the next four years?

How will the new US politics worsen the climate emergency?

On November 22 there will be a Zoom call to help you find the needed clarity, relief, and hope in this more than challenging and worsening situation.

Here is what you need to know about this special update and Zoom call:

The nonprofit organization ClimateSafe Villages (which Job One helped co-found) is having an all-member Zoom call on the political changes in the US and everything they mean for preparing for the accelerating climate change emergency. 

Please Attend. If you can’t attend this Zoom at the time listed and you are a member, you will be able to get a link to the full Zoom call recording after it is over.

Here is everything else you need to know:


Next Friday: How will the new political reality in the United States drastically affect the climate change emergency?


Lawrence Wollersheim, the senior climate research analyst at Job One for Humanity, will discuss how the new political reality in the United States will directly affect the climate change emergency. He will also discuss the consequences of how US increases in fossil fuel production and reductions in their green energy transition actions will be quickly mirrored by other fossil fuel-producing countries and every nation seeking to maintain global competitiveness. 

At the end of his short presentation on the related coming climate consequences and their timeframe changes, he will take as many questions as possible about this issue or the climate change emergency.

After his presentation, we will convene an OPEN MEETING that anyone can join. See details below.


Speaker: Lawrence Wollersheim, senior climate research analyst at Job One for Humanity
Topic: Political situation and climate emergency
Date: Friday, Nov 22nd
Time:  1 PM Pacific Time, 3 PM Central Time,  4:00 PM Eastern

To join the earlier event, please be sure you are a full member. If you are not a full member, you can check out the options to upgrade here


All Job One donors will be able to see this video free of charge several days after it has been shown live to the members of ClimateSafe Villages.

If you want to see this Zoom live and ask questions, we recommend that you also join ClimateSafe Villages because they are also the leading force using our climate information to help people prepare worldwide for what is coming in intensifying climate consequences.

If you want to see this Zoom call but only as a new Job One member and not as a member of both the Job One and the ClimateSafe Villages organizations, click here.


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